Moon and leak at the parking lot

Behind the tower and couples at the birdhouse

Making artwork in the snow

Several men and a woman

A few men and one big dog

Fire and ice

A few guys in the snow

Letting out a waterfall

Busy day along the trail

Just melting the snow away

Men on the trail

Starting the year with men

Several men came to stop by

Some very clear shots today

Women leaving marks in the fresh snow

Men at the lot and women at the tower

A few visitors to the trail and storage unit

Steamy waterfall at the storage unit

Men at the birdhouse

Men at the birdhouse and a little exercise

Several women captured around the area

Men coming to leak

A piss and a drink on the trail

Activity at the tower and birdhouse

Moms on the trail

A couple at the pee trail

Many men come to pee

Men out along the trail

Men at the trails

Men out to play on a rainy day

Getting dirty at the birdhouse

Ladies hiding behind the trees

Two men come to leak, one stays to lurk

Coming to leak, almost stumbled into the camera

Women coming to do their duty

Men on the trail and late night visitors

Unisex use of the trail

The men just keep coming

Plenty of exposures today

Various activity along the trail