Taxi driver making yellow

Activity at the beach lot and night action at the trailhead

Working at the trailhead parking lot

Cleaning out his car and peeing in the bushes

Parking lot grab bag

Van man and a creeper

Van man on a rainy day

The man with his old van

The van man and more

Men peeing on a rainy day

Men and women in the beach forest

Busy day for the beach cameras

A day full of men peeing in public

Two men and a woman with streams flowing

Couple peeing in the woods

Several men and a woman coming to pee at the beach lot

Highlight – Lady taking a dump

Did someone see me?

Men and women at the beach lot coming to pee

A man exposed and a few birds in the bushes

License plate switcher returns

Old lady with no shame

Runner with the runs

Men peeing in public

Activity at the beach lot and a lady at the trailhead lot

Men coming to leak at the lot

Biker before dawn and a man playing with his flow

Men at the beach lot

Several men coming to the woods

Zombie Hunter

Getting busy at the traffic circle

Highlight – Waterfall from her crack

Men leaking and birds chirping

Men at the beach lot

Some guys coming right to our cameras

A fine lady at the trailhead lot

A biker with a lot to show

Lots of ladies squatting on the trail

Big puddle in the beach parking lot

Not even waiting for them to pass

A few visitors and a runner taking a leak