Taking in nature

Action at the birdhouse camera

Close encounter of the creeper kind

Showers and streams on the pee trail

A busy day on the pee trail

The creeper returns

Birdhouse bike shop

Smokin’ in the boysroom

Lurking around the pee trail and out for a smoke

A few women at the pee trail

A long draw and a quick leak

Ending March on the pee trail

Buggy camera on the pee trail

Action on the pee trail

A few days along the pee trail

A busy day on the pee trail

Snow melting away fast

Lots of tracks in the snow

A smoke and a few deep breaths

Two cameras watching the pee trail

Quite a grab bag on the pee trail

Stroll past our cameras on a sunny day

A light snow and fresh tracks, who stopped by?

The smokers returned

Action all around the area

Daily report – January 29 2020

Activity Report – January 19

Nighttime mischief

Peaceful smoke and stroll

A peaceful day to wrap up the year

Caught with her pants down

A light snow to start the month

Look I found a stick!

Tissues out of his butt?

Foggy morning visitors

Going off the trail

A slower day along the trail

Come for a pee, stay for a smoke

Women and cars on the trail

Action around the parking lot