Garbage men and explorers

Teens are back for more graffiti

Graffiti Artists

Drug users return and many peeing visitors

Drug use in the corner

Night time theft?

Action around the monument

Graffiti artist

Zombie Hunter

U-Haul bed dump

Parking lot grab bag

Litterbugs return

Littering and searching the forest

Car sale?

No respect from a cat, littering and men coming to pee

License plate switcher returns

Nice moped and the plate changer returns

Changing plates and other activity at the beach lot

Changing plates

Zombie Hunter

Cutting the chain and trespassing

Zombie Hunter

Justice being served

Zombie Hunter

Illegal dumping

Zombie Hunter

Firing a weapon in the city limits

Zombie Hunter

Don’t come by my house again!

Zombie Hunter

The drive of shame

Zombie Hunter

Dumping trash at the circle

Zombie Hunter

Illegal dumping in Texas

Drug deal going down on the trail

Hiding from the police

The original thief returns

Teens stealing construction supplies

Stealing construction materials

Grab the bong and a bottle of vodka

Bike Thief?

Action at the birdhouse and a thief caught on camera

Police are back again

The Manhunt

Keeping a lookout and an arsonist spotted

The creeper is back at the pipe

Graffiti artist teens

Illegal dumping in the woods