Winter nature views

Snow birds in the woods

Snow birds and drifters

A few men at the beach lot

Daily visit from the van man

Taxi drivers at the beach lot

Snow drifting

Birds and the van man

Two men at the trailhead lot

Daily visitors

Majestic magpies

Smokers and birds

Birds don’t like our cameras

Creepers and driver’s education

A full mix of activity

A few men and explorers

Various visitors to the beach lot

Littering like no one is watching

A few visitors to the lot

Men peeing in the rain

Running around at the trailhead

A night visit to the beach lot

A few men in the trees

Flocking to the beach lot

Driving laps and kicking tires

Parking lot grab bag

Dogs, birds and rabbits on a rainy day

Coming in for a close up

Littering and searching the forest

Late night visit to the lot

Mercedes man returns for the morning

Beach lot visitors

Men and women in the beach forest

A near miss and smokers at the beach

Various activity around the lots

A nice day to visit the beach lot

Nature views from our trail cameras

A lot of birds and a few other visitors

Camera spotted and more driver’s education

Camping at the lot