Beach lot visitors

Men peeing on a rainy day

Smoke break and laps around the lot

Men and women in the beach forest

Another day with the Mercedes man

A near miss and smokers at the beach

More of the Mercedes man

Mercedes man returns

Various activity around the lots

A nice day to visit the beach lot

A nice long smoke

Junk in his trunk

Nature views from our trail cameras

Several new drivers at the beach lot

Busy day for the beach cameras

Car sale?

Making a music video?

A lot of birds and a few other visitors

Camera spotted and more driver’s education

Squatting for a smoke?

Camping at the lot

Man lurking at the lot

Various visitors to the beach lot

A day full of men peeing in public

Event activity and visitors to the beach lot

The van man at the beach lot

Vehicles at the beach lot

Two men and a woman with streams flowing

Driving around the beach lot

Couple peeing in the woods

Man creeping at night

Lady with her red car

Exploring the lot

Several men and a woman coming to pee at the beach lot

Burning the bills

Hanging out at the parking lot and a few leaks

Playtime in the parking lot

No respect from a cat, littering and men coming to pee

A little drivers education

Workers, lurkers and smokers