Guys in the little red car

Vehicles at the beach lot

A nice day to walk through the parking lot

The smoking couple’s favorite spot

Animal encounters, a few explorers and a little rain

Activity around the parking lots

The deer return to the trail

The smoking couple returns

Dog walkers on a stormy day

Multiple stops from our smoking couple

Testing his bike at the lot

Smoking in the woods and heavy rain

Driver’s ed

Vehicles and lurkers around the parking lots

Smokers at the beach lot

Just lurking around the beach lot

Hikers, berry pickers and smokers around the forest

A couple guys drinking at the lot

Teens at the Picnic Forest

Even more visitors caught by the cameras

Various visitors caught by our cameras

Family time in the woods

Just another day at the beach lot

Another nice day for a stoll

Don’t piss on that dog

Visitors on a very rainy day

Smoking couple at the beach lot

Litter patrol

Just passing though the lot

Various visitors through the parking lot

Teens in the woods

Cars running around

Poking around in the woods

The biker dude

Nice day for a stroll

A family of deer at the lot

Hard at work at the beach lot

Man lurking at the lot

More activity along the trail today

Daily activity around the trails