Busy day at the construction site

Men peeing at the construction site

Worker, magpie and a preview of a new location

Worker pissing at the work site

Snow birds in the woods

Birds don’t like our cameras

Flocking to the beach lot

Taxi driver making yellow

Working at the trailhead parking lot

Workers not working

Parking lot grab bag

Workers, lurkers and smokers

Workers on a lunch break

Workers at the lot and a kid in the woods

Activity at the beach lot and a lady at the trailhead lot

Beware the dust cloud

Litter patrol

Hard at work at the beach lot

Various visitors to the parking lot

Windy day at the beach lot

Clean up and work at the beach lot

Quite a few close encounters

Grab bag of action all around the area

Various visitors to the parking lot

Worker creeping around the lot

A visit from the maintenance crew

Lurking around the woods

Stealing construction materials

Hard at work or hardly working

Workers at the parking lot

More activity around the trails

View from the parking lot

Pickers and more

Workers, walkers and a night time pitstop

Sometimes you just want to lay in the snow

Workers before dawn and ladies on the trail

Several cars in the lot today

Another cool and rainy day

So many vehicles in the lot

A family outing