Making a music video?

A lot of birds and a few other visitors

Camera spotted and more driver’s education

Squatting for a smoke?

Camping at the lot

Man lurking at the lot

Various visitors to the beach lot

A day full of men peeing in public

Event activity and visitors to the beach lot

Event at the trailhead lot

Vehicles at the beach lot

Two men and a woman with streams flowing

Driving around the beach lot

Couple peeing in the woods

Man creeping at night

Lady with her red car

Exploring the lot

Several men and a woman coming to pee at the beach lot

Burning the bills

Hanging out at the parking lot and a few leaks

Playtime in the parking lot

Highlight – Lady taking a dump

No respect from a cat, littering and men coming to pee

A little drivers education

Workers, lurkers and smokers

Workers on a lunch break

A romantic encounter and a tour group

The BMW guys

Did someone see me?

Workers at the lot and a kid in the woods

Smoke breaks at the lot

Creeping around the lot

Smoking the day away

Romantic couple returns

Several men coming to leak

Checking out another BMW and smokers return

Showing off that BMW

Men and women at the beach lot coming to pee

Daily smoker visit

A nice autumn day