Flocking to the beach lot

Flow issues

Driving laps and kicking tires

A day of driver’s education

Van man returns and night shenanigans

Taxi driver making yellow

Activity at the beach lot and night action at the trailhead

Working at the trailhead parking lot

Workers not working

Cleaning out his car and peeing in the bushes

Driving practice at the beach lot

Van man and a creeper

Dogs, birds and rabbits on a rainy day

Van man on a rainy day

Coming in for a close up

Litterbugs return

Littering and searching the forest

The man with his old van

Late night visit to the lot

Working on cars and driver’s education

The van man and more

A night time catch?

Lots of laps around the lot

Mercedes man returns for the morning

Lurking at the lot

Beach lot visitors

Men peeing on a rainy day

Smoke break and laps around the lot

Men and women in the beach forest

Another day with the Mercedes man

More of the Mercedes man

Mercedes man returns

Various activity around the lots

A nice day to visit the beach lot

A nice long smoke

Junk in his trunk

Nature views from our trail cameras

Several new drivers at the beach lot

Busy day for the beach cameras

Car sale?