Stop to take in the nature near the trail

Doubling back right to the camera

Riding off down the trail

A nice walk in the woods

A helping hand

Running with the dogs

Regular visitor and people out for a stroll

Strolling through the woods

A quick pee and a cute wiggle

A little workout on the trail

Today was for the dogs

A grab bag day on the trail

A misty day in the woods

More explorers deeper into the woods

A couple of guys having a chat

The morning lady and a biker

A light rain doesn’t keep the people away

Playful pups, a few birds and a full moon

Couples out for a walk

A few deer and a lady on the trail

Action on the trail continues

Bypass down the pee trail

Scooting into the woods for a leak

Lots of birds around the forest trail

Activity along the pee trail

A very casual pee

Run, walk and biking down the trail

Easter bunny and more hikers

Near miss and a desperate couple

More hikers out for a stroll

Trail hikers and a kid feeding the birds

Activity along the trail

Nature lovers and a kid at play

A few creeps and a squat in the woods

Biking and hiking down the pee trail

Activity around the forest trail

Slowly strolling down the trail

Wondering the woods and a biker pee

Plenty of explorers in the woods

A man and two young ladies