Many visits from the workers

Women at the construction site

Activity in the fresh snow

Fireworks at the monument

Lots of birds

A dog walker and quick pit stop

Activity in the dark

Worker, magpie and a preview of a new location

End of the year and new locations

Winter in the beach forest

Taxi drivers at the beach lot

Birds and the van man

Two men at the trailhead lot

Night time shenanigans in a car

Morning visit from the lovers

A night visit to the beach lot

Zombie Hunter

Pissed pants and high on drugs

Zombie Hunter

Activity at the circle

Zombie Hunter

Texas parking lot view

Testing fireworks at the beach lot

Activity at the beach lot and night action at the trailhead

Litterbugs return

Lurking at the lot

Various activity around the lots

Junk in his trunk

A lot of birds and a few other visitors

Hanging out at the parking lot and a few leaks

Playtime in the parking lot

No respect from a cat, littering and men coming to pee

Zombie Hunter

Concrete weedwacker

Zombie Hunter

Shopping at the circle

Zombie Hunter

Just another day in Texas

Zombie Hunter

Cutting the chain and trespassing

Zombie Hunter

Justice being served

Zombie Hunter

Illegal dumping

Zombie Hunter

Firing a weapon in the city limits

Zombie Hunter

The Duck Man

Zombie Hunter

Don’t come by my house again!

Zombie Hunter

The drive of shame

Zombie Hunter

Dumping trash at the circle