Leap day activity

Parking Lot Time-lapse

Cars gathering at the parking lot

Explorers along the trail

Lots of tracks in the snow

More snow and more tracks

Take a deep breath…

Action around the parking lot

Rain and showers

Sun is back and so are the walkers

A smoke and a few deep breaths

Two cameras watching the pee trail

Parking lot on a rainy day

Quite a grab bag on the pee trail

Stroll past our cameras on a sunny day

A light snow and fresh tracks, who stopped by?

The birdhouse trail is back!

Casual day along the pee trail

Two days on the pee trail

Rainy day visitors

Last of the bridge cam

More action under the bridge

Busy day down under the bridge

A day full of surprises

Men creeping around the trails

Fresh tracks in a light snow

Lets go to the forest

Cleanup by the bridge

A frosty day in the woods

Women on the trail and family time by the bridge

Daily report – January 29 2020

Forest taxi?

Several visitors stopping by the trail

Activity Report – January 19

A day from the camera’s view

Starting off 2020 along the trails

A peaceful day to wrap up the year

Holiday grab bag

The dogs were sniffing this one out

The search is on!