Too hot for a shirt

Passing through the parking lot

Living statue returns

Activity around the parking lot

A nice day for a stroll in the woods

A little crazy?

Flyby and more at the parking lot

Women at the pee trail

Lots of visitors deep in the woods

Stop and sniff?

Nature photographer and more visiting the trail

Family time on the trail

Came right to the camera

Just as many animals as visitors

Enjoying the early summer

Women at the birdhouse hill

Smoke breaks in the lot

A nice day to hang out at the parking lot

A parking lot pitstop

Girls show the latest tiktok trend

Creeping around the forest

Strolling and rolling

Standing guard and a living statue

Strolling along the trail

Stuck in the woods

View of the parking lot

Checking out the birdhouse

Mad dash through the parking lot

Run, through the forest, run!

The race continues

More people hanging out at the parking lot

Which way do we go?

Busy spot for a pit stop

Bikers coming to drain some water

The race is on

There are many ways to roll

Resting at the parking lot

Wide angle at the pee trail

Hikers and a living statue

Blocking the lot to vehicles