Man in a van

A man and his Mercedes

Guys in the little red car

Dog walkers on a stormy day

Smokers at the beach lot

A couple guys drinking at the lot

Man lurking at the lot

Zombie Hunter

Just another day in Texas

Late night stop at the beach lot

Grab bag of action all around the area

Shirtless men on hot days

Various visitors wandering around the area

Litterbugs and creepers around the beach lot

A few men lurking around

Daily report from the parking lot

Zombie Hunter

The Duck Man

Grab bag of activity

Slow stroll through the parking lot

Activity at the beach parking lot

Night time shenanigans

Dropping logs

A little lurking around the trail

A nice day to cruise

The scrap hunter

Looking for a special friend

Lurking around the cruising trail

More lurkers at the cruising trail

Activity returns to the pee trail

Lurking around the woods

More action at the cruising trail

Lots of action at the cruising trail

The workers were lurking around the trail again

Repeat visitors to the cruising trail

Looking for friends at the cruising trail

Creeping around the cruising area

A trail for cruising

We have been spotted!

A few creeps and a squat in the woods

Spraying a little stream

Hikers, bikers and one going off the trails