Lurking man at the lot

A few visitors to the lot

Men peeing and a creeper at the beach lot

A night visit to the beach lot

Zombie Hunter

Pissed pants and high on drugs

Zombie Hunter

Activity at the circle

Zombie Hunter

Texas parking lot view

Workers not working

Cleaning out his car and peeing in the bushes

Litterbugs return

The man with his old van

Lurking at the lot

Another day with the Mercedes man

More of the Mercedes man

Mercedes man returns

Junk in his trunk

Several new drivers at the beach lot

A lot of birds and a few other visitors

Man lurking at the lot

Various visitors to the beach lot

The van man at the beach lot

Man creeping at night

Workers, lurkers and smokers

A romantic encounter and a tour group

Creeping around the lot

Showing off that BMW

Vehicles at the beach lot

Sunny day visitors to the lot

Creeping around

Another man lurking in his car

Camera found by some campers

Unusual Friday Night Visitor

Activity at the beach lot and a lady at the trailhead lot

Lurking around the beach lot

Creeper chilling at the lot

Zombie Hunter

Concrete weedwacker

Zombie Hunter

Shopping at the circle

Highlight – Unusual Friday Night Visitor

Another day at the picnic forest and beach lot

Smoking at the favorite spot