You got some on your shoes

The teen’s secret stash

Men at the forest and construction site

The secret stash

Splashing on the camera

In front of his son

Parking lot karaoke

Explorers and workers

Action around the monument

A busy day at the monument

Creeper at the construction site

Activity around the monument

Guys at the work site

Beach forest and construction visitors

Teens at the monument

Getting called out for a pee

Sweatpants creeper

Cleaning up the rat’s home

Drunk at the construction site

Angry bird special

Birds attack and taggers return

Creeping around at night

Lurking around the cameras

Men do the one and two

Lurking around the construction site

Various visitors and explorers

Lurking in the shadows

Teen hangout

Quick woman and some creepers

Explorers everywhere

Women at the construction site

Group of guys at the construction site

Lots of birds

Fake out and explorers

Construction site and monument action

Activity in the dark

Busy day at the construction site

Sneaking around the monument

Birds and activity in the dark

Nature views and a couple chatting