Bikers and a backhoe

Women at the birdhouse

Around the big trees at the birdhouse

Two days at the birdhouse

Between the trees at the birdhouse

Day drinker returns

Cracks between the trees

In one end, out the other

Playing around and a strong streams

Police at the birdhouse and women on the trail

The Manhunt

Stopping at the birdhouse as the sun sets

Hiding behind the trees

Camo cam at the birdhouse

Silhouettes and a close encounter

Near misses

Trees and shrubs giving a bit of cover

The trail bathroom is busy again

Deer and headlights

New view for the birdhouse camera

Muddy May thanks to these visitors

Highlight – Camera Found

Sunset at the birdhouse

Birdhouse is becoming more popular

Captures all over the forest

More activity from the birdhouse

Wide view catches more at the birdhouse

Wider view at the birdhouse

Views from the birdhouse

Not going off the trail

Playing around by the birdhouse

Busy day at the birdhouse

A small collection of activity

Action at the birdhouse camera

Action from our other cameras

Playtime and a workout at the birdhouse

April showers return

Exploring around the birdhouse

Creeping around the pee trail

Something caught his eye