Strong stream from men

Littering like no one is watching

A few visitors to the lot

Men peeing in the rain

Running around at the trailhead

Highlight – Women taking dumps

A few men in the trees

Parking lot grab bag

Dogs, birds and rabbits on a rainy day

Van man on a rainy day

Littering and searching the forest

Late night visit to the lot

Beach lot visitors

Men and women in the beach forest

Various activity around the lots

A nice day to visit the beach lot

Nature views from our trail cameras

Busy day for the beach cameras

A lot of birds and a few other visitors

Camping at the lot

Event at the trailhead lot

Two men and a woman with streams flowing

Highlight – Lady taking a dump

No respect from a cat, littering and men coming to pee

Did someone see me?

Workers at the lot and a kid in the woods

Several men coming to leak

Men and women at the beach lot coming to pee

A nice autumn day

A man exposed and a few birds in the bushes

Nature encounters – Birds at the lot

Quick pee into the bushes

Busy day at the beach lot

Various activity near the beach

A lady at night and a few men in the lot

Just another day at the beach lot

Another day with the smokers

Sunny day visitors to the lot

Creeping around

Men around the beach lot