Quick stops from several men

Full moon and a clear stream

The dirty old man

Young and old coming to pee

Creeping at the construction site

Activity and creepers around the monument

Hanging around the construction site

One man leaves and another arrives

Men and creepers all around

A bird in the hand

Wall jumpers

A peaceful day in the woods

More lurking in the brush

Lurking in the brush

Drinking party in the woods

Grab bag day

Drive in service

Various activity around the area

Chill and pee at the construction site

Birds and men in public

A grab bag day of activity around the area

Busy day at the monument

Exploring the monument

Drug users return and many peeing visitors

Night time theft?

Activity at the beach forest and a close encounter

The teen’s secret stash

Men at the forest and construction site

Field trip into the woods

Changing weather and exploring the monument

The secret stash

A cat and some snow birds

A big dump on a rainy day

Lots of birds at the beach forest

The father returns

Splashing on the camera

In front of his son

Cats, birds and littering

Dog in the bag

Parking lot karaoke