Smokin’ in the boysroom

The Creeper Returns

Family Picnic down the pee trail

What’s going on over there?

Time-lapse at the Birdhouse Camera

Lurking around the pee trail and out for a smoke

Kids at the birdhouse

A few women at the pee trail

Work site security camera

Draining by the pipe

No fooling, we had some interesting explorers visit

New location with great views

Biker fail

Woman at night

Struggling with his pants

Just a quick stop

Like mother, like daughter

Woman next to the shed in view of the camera

Fresh puddle in the snow

A quick stop and a run to get away

A man leaving a fresh mark in the snow

A long draw and a quick leak

Another man makes a dash behind the shed

Creeping around the large pipe

Ending March on the pee trail

Kids out for an adventure

Visitors to the meadow

Action at the large pipe

“Onion snow” and leaks on the trail

Taking the dogs for a walk… and a few men too.

Down the pee trail

Foxy morning visitor to the trail

Several day grab bag

Buggy camera on the pee trail

Diving for cover!

Just off the trail getting some action

Keeping a lookout and an arsonist spotted

Some ladies at the birdhouse and meadow

Vehicles in the lot and illegal dumping at night

Man in his car