Night time activities

New Years Fireworks

Waiting for the fireworks

Visitors to the tower

Woman at the tower

A little bit of everything as the year comes to a close

Daytime pee and nighttime creep

Some familiar faces and repeat visitors

Several men came to stop by

Women return to the tower and trails

Strolling through the parking lot and activity at the tower

Some very clear shots today


Something Special – Explicit Neighbor Voyeur 2

Men also leaving their marks

Women leaving marks in the fresh snow

Christmas day visitors

Exploring around the trails

Snow day at the tower

Winter wonderland

Medical incident at the tower

Men at the lot and women at the tower

Another full day at the tower.

Activity around the lookout tower

A couple men and a smoker

Animals and explorers at the trail

Busy day of men coming to the trails

Several men on another cool day

Wetter day on the trail

Creeping around the area

Another day along the trails

A whole mix of activity along the trail

A few couples strolling around

A few women and a horse of course

Bikers down the pee trail

A man with a bone and a few women


Something Special – Explicit Neighbor Voyeur

Many hikers out exploring the trails

A few visitors to the trail and storage unit

Man visiting before dawn

An early morning cuddle