Nature lovers and a kid at play

A few creeps and a squat in the woods

Biking and hiking down the pee trail

Activity around the forest trail

Slowly strolling down the trail

Wondering the woods and a biker pee

Plenty of explorers in the woods

A man and two young ladies

Picking through the woods and a group outing

Spraying a little stream

Activity around the storage unit

Hikers, bikers and one going off the trails

Men out in the woods

Quick pitstops on the trail

A fine day for a stroll

Not everyone is just passing through

Walkers along the pee trail

A little activity along the forest trail

Playtime at the storage unit

Activity along the pee trail

Spring Cleaning

Another day full of horses

Lots of horses and a man

Sneak peek into April 2021 – Men

Sneak peek into April 2021 – Women

An interrupted break

End of the month shenanigans

Kids playing at the storage unit

A leak and more animal interactions

Spring at the storage unit

Hard at work or hardly working

The trail is getting busy

Workers at the parking lot

A wonder and a wee

Many women on the pee trail

More activity around the trails

View from the parking lot

One lady and several men as the snow melts away

Unpredictable weather

Enjoying a stroll in the sun