Breaktime on the pee trail

Powerful stream at the birdhouse

A mix of visitors around the forest

Another lurker at the trail

Pacing and standing around

Hiding in the bushes

Don’t get bugged on the trail

Various visitors and a big ol’ booty

Explorers and a few men coming to the trail

Ladies on the trail

Nature photographer and some explorers

Men helping water the bushes

High and low squats everywhere

Night time shenanigans

Stop, smoke and take in the nature around you

A little of one and two

Dropping logs

Some regular visitors to the trail

The gangs all here

Running for cover with pants down

Return visitor at the trail

Highlight – A couple “bears” playing in the woods

A little lurking around the trail

A few men and a couple

A few women on the trail

A very busy day around the forest

A different kind of dump

Kids playing at the birdhouse

Turning into a deer path

Drug deal going down on the trail

Bringing out the big camera

A few men and women at the birdhouse

Hiding from the police

That’s quite a dog

A cop caught in the act

A nice day to cruise

The scrap hunter

A rustle in the leaves

Looking for a special friend

The original thief returns