The sun came out and the men let it flow

The perfect place to meet friends

A rainy day doesn’t keep people away

Creeping around the parking lot

Removing trash as fast as it appears

The cold fall breeze didn’t keep people away

Going to the dogs

Various visitors to the trails

Busy days captured by our cameras

Self pleasure in the woods

Lots to explore in these woods

Activity Report – October 2 2019

Delivery driver bathroom break

A group gathering at the parking lot

Ladies doing the lookout

Familiar faces, back again

Many coming to the pee trail

Action from dawn to dusk

Watch out for the lady in pink

Creeping about

Taking it off the trail

Can’t keep his pants up

Don’t mind me…

Returning visitors to the trail

Park and pee

Couple of beers and a smoke between friends

Cars in the woods?

Busy day at the parking lot

Shopping cart in the woods and lovers in a car

Taxi driver taking a leak

Creeping around the lot

Close encounter with an older lady

Bouncing booties

Well crap…

Many ladies on the trail today

Lots of squatting

The pee poncho

Ladies and Gentlemen on the trail

What a relief… and a photoshoot?

Several clear captures along the trail