Activity along the pee trail

Girls show the latest tiktok trend

Creeping around the forest

Men coming to take a leak

Strolling and rolling

Standing guard and a living statue

Strolling along the trail

A long chat

Stuck in the woods

The bikers

The trail is calling

View of the parking lot

Checking out the birdhouse

Mad dash through the parking lot

Run, through the forest, run!

The race continues

More people hanging out at the parking lot

Which way do we go?

The race is on

Wide angle at the pee trail

Hikers and a living statue

Ready for my closeup

Blocking the lot to vehicles

Bikers and a backhoe

Walking through the parking lot

More strolling down the trail

Hanging out at the pee trail

Far from the camera

Lurking around the parking lot

Creeper in the woods

Right in the middle of the trail

Return of the parking lot camera

A walk down the pee trail

Another round of activity along the pee trail

Several visitors on the trail

Police are back again

Black and white suits this dog

Getting his drink on

Quick trip down the trail

Police at the birdhouse and women on the trail