Smokers in the snow

Hikers during the day, foxes at night

A couple of very snowy days

Fresh snow, a fox and family time in the woods

Walking the dogs and a little more

Day drinker returns

Various activity around the trails

Same lady from multiple locations

More late night activity

Melting snow along the trail

Late night metal detecting

Metal detecting in the snow

Creeping around the tower

Activity over two days

A wee and a drink

Men creeping around and exploring

Getting plowed on the trail

A few men along the trail

Walking down the trail in the snow

Two days of walkers along the trails

Men on the trail

Strolling on the pee trail

Lurking in the dark and walking in the snow

Out for a stroll

Nature photographer connects with nature

Another casual day along the trail

Who let the dog out?

Various activity around the trails

More activity around the area

Foxy visit

New year, old creepers

Women at the pee trail

Bringing the kids out to play

Night time activities

New Years Fireworks

Waiting for the fireworks

Visitors to the tower

A little bit of everything as the year comes to a close

Strolling through the parking lot and activity at the tower

Christmas day visitors