Creeping around

Activity at the beach lot

Birds and smokers

Visitors on a rainy day

Biker and birds

Cars and birds around the beach

Changing plates and other activity at the beach lot

Birds and the bees

Men leaking and birds chirping

Another day at the picnic forest and beach lot

Activity at the picnic forest and beach lot

Smoking lady at the lot

Explorers, birds and a poor old pup

Various visitors to the beach lot

Animal encounters, a few explorers and a little rain

The deer return to the trail

Various visitors caught by our cameras

Just another day at the beach lot

A family of deer at the lot

Daily activity around the trails

A few misses

A murder of crows

Just strolling through the lot

Litter patrol returns

More activity around the trails

Midsummer grab bag

Multiple day grab bag of activity

Close encounters with the cameras

A busy day and a broken lense

A mix of visitors around the forest

Don’t get bugged on the trail

Stop, smoke and take in the nature around you

The gangs all here

Return visitor at the trail

A little lurking around the trail

A very busy day around the forest

Turning into a deer path

Bringing out the big camera

A cop caught in the act

A rustle in the leaves