Angry animals

Snow birds and construction site men

Birds, rats and creepers

Birds and activity in the dark

Worker, magpie and a preview of a new location

Nature views and a couple chatting

End of the year and new locations

Winter in the beach forest

Milder weather brings more activity

December activity

Racing through the snow

Magpies in the snow

Winter nature views

Snow birds in the woods

Snow birds and drifters

Birds and the van man

Majestic magpies

Smokers and birds

Birds don’t like our cameras

Creepers and driver’s education

Flocking to the beach lot

Parking lot grab bag

Dogs, birds and rabbits on a rainy day

Coming in for a close up

Late night visit to the lot

A near miss and smokers at the beach

A nice day to visit the beach lot

Nature views from our trail cameras

A lot of birds and a few other visitors

Camera spotted and more driver’s education

Camping at the lot

No respect from a cat, littering and men coming to pee

Workers at the lot and a kid in the woods

A nice autumn day

A man exposed and a few birds in the bushes

Nature encounters – Birds at the lot

Quick pee into the bushes

Just another day at the beach lot

Another day with the smokers

Sunny day visitors to the lot