A few men at the beach lot

Driver’s education at the lot

Daily visit from the van man

Taxi drivers at the beach lot

Various vehicles at the lot

Van man and running lady

Night drifting

Snow drifting

Smoking lady and first snow

Birds and the van man

Two men at the trailhead lot

A man and woman at the beach lot

Daily visitors

Parking lot mechanic

Raindrops and pee streams

Majestic magpies

Vehicles at the lot

Soft flowing crap in the woods

Smokers and birds

Forest photo shoot

Birds don’t like our cameras

Night time shenanigans in a car

Van man and a lady in the woods

Creepers and driver’s education

Morning routine from the van man

Two women in the trees and lovers in the lot

Driving practice at the beach lot

A full mix of activity

A few men and explorers

Various visitors to the beach lot

Morning visit from the lovers

Strong stream from men

An early morning surprise

Littering like no one is watching

Lurking man at the lot

A few visitors to the lot

Rainy day activity

Driver’s education with a trailer

Men peeing and a creeper at the beach lot

Smoking lady and two van men