The walking chimney

A fairly casual day

Fire and ice

Visitors on a snowy day

A little struggle with the layers

Visitors along the trail

Breaking in the trail

Men writing their names in the snow

Visitors in the dark

Smokers in the snow

Hikers during the day, foxes at night

A couple of very snowy days

Cool your beer while taking a leak

Fresh flow in the fresh snow

Plenty of men coming to the woods

Fresh snow, a fox and family time in the woods

Walking the dogs and a little more

Day drinker returns

Various activity around the trails

Same lady from multiple locations

More late night activity

Melting snow along the trail

Late night metal detecting

Metal detecting in the snow

Creeping around the tower

Photographer and two women

Activity over two days

A wee and a drink

Nighttime activity and getting stuck in the snow

Men creeping around and exploring

Activity at the birdhouse

Getting plowed on the trail

A few men along the trail

Woman in pairs

Walking down the trail in the snow

Two days of walkers along the trails

Various visitors at several locations

The day drinker

Men on the trail

The morning lady is back on the pee trail